I want to use a custom cursor on hover for links. It works fine on Safari and Firefox, but on Chrome it jumps back to the default cursor for a millisecond, and then goes to my custom cursor.
Codepen: https://codepen.io/ford1234/pen/vwzRgJ
I've recreated the problem in Codepen but it also happens on the site I'm applying it to.
<a href="#"><p>Hello</p></a>
html {
cursor: url('http://telephoneavenue.art/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/black-01.png'), auto;
a:hover {
cursor: url('http://telephoneavenue.art/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/blacktriangle-small17px.png'), auto;
Expected result: A transition from the circle to the triangle. Actual result: A transition from the circle, to the default hand pointer, to the triangle.
remove ":hover" on your selector. your selector must be;
a{ cursor: url('http://telephoneavenue.art/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/blacktriangle-small17px.png'), auto; }