How can I rebuild the image after making some modifications to driver source code?
I have tried bitbake -f -c compile and bitbake but I coudn't find the modified settings in the driver. Can someone tell me how can i rebuild the image with the modified code.
If you did your modifications not directly in the ${WORKDIR}, you have to set the SRCREV to your new hash and increase your PR. Then enter the command
bitbake <image-name>
Which compiles the one package again and creates the new image with your changes.
If you did your changes in the ${WORKDIR}, please add, commit and push them to your repository and then follow my steps above. This is the cleanest solution.
The command suggested by other solutions:
bitbake <image-name> -c cleansstate
Will cause all of the packages to rebuild, which can take very long if you don't have an sstate mirror.