Carrying on from a previous question here. Where it was noted that avoiding fn:doc()
should be avoided in SPARQL queries. However, for geospatial queries aside from the code shown below I am unable to find an alternative solution. I have also used this query and it's runtime is really slow. For bigger set of data it will hit the 1 hour timeout.
Hence, I would like to ask if there is a better way in implementing Geospatial queries for SPARQL? Is it possible to use GEOSPARQL with PREFIX spatial:<>
xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace sem = "" at "/MarkLogic/semantics.xqy";
import module namespace thsr=""
at "/MarkLogic/thesaurus.xqy";
let $query := sem:sparql(
PREFIX xs: <>
PREFIX cts: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX fn: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX db: <>
PREFIX onto: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX xdmp: <>
?people </posted> ?question .
FILTER (cts:contains(fn:doc(?people),
cts:path-geospatial-query("/people_data/location", cts:circle(10, cts:point(59,28)))
)) .
return (xdmp:elapsed-time())
Question brought over to thread
I see two options here:
Something along the lines of:
let $uris := cts:uris((), (), cts:path-geospatial-query("/people_data/location", cts:circle(10, cts:point(59,28))))
return sem:sparql('
?person </posted> ?question .
FILTER (?person = ?people) .
', map:entry("people", $uris))
A slightly more convenient, and better optimized of above example would be to rewrite it using Optic API. It is designed specifically for providing a highly performant way of bridging the gap between the various data models.
Extrapolating on the above code, I think it would read something like this in optic code:
import module namespace op="" at "/MarkLogic/optic.xqy";
let $people := op:from-lexicons(
map:entry("people", cts:uri-reference()),
=> op:where(
cts:path-geospatial-query("/people_data/location", cts:circle(10, cts:point(59,28)))
let $questions := op:from-sparql('SELECT * WHERE { ?person </posted> ?question. }', "sparql")
return $people
=> op:join-inner(
op:view-col("lexicon", "people"),
op:view-col("sparql", "person")
It is a bit hard to test it without proper data and indexes, but I hope it is enough to get you started.
You can find introductory documentation on it here:
And the API reference can be found here: