I'm compiling my stylesheets with Laravel Mix.
When I add the following variable:
$font-size-micro: $font-size-base * .625;
The $font-base: 1rem
so this should render a 10px font-size but I get this error: 0.625rem isn't a valid CSS value.
Anyone with this error?
Just wrap your calculation in parenthesis like:
$font-size-micro: ($font-size-base * 0.625);
Consider the following SCSS;
.xyz {
$font-size-base: 1rem;
$font-size-micro: ($font-size-base * 0.625);
font-size: $font-size-micro;
It should produce the CSS as:
@charset "UTF-8";
.xyz {
font-size: 0.625rem ;