I want to use the function tf.metrics.mean_iou
for an FCN for semantic segmentation. It only works, if the confusion matrix is calculated before the IoU, otherwise it returns 0.
Here my examples:
This example returns the correct value 0.66071427
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
y_pred0 = np.array([ [ [[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1]], [[0.2,0.8],[0.2,0.8],[0.2,0.8],[0.9,0.1]], [[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.2,0.8],[0.9,0.1]], [[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.2,0.8],[0.9,0.1]] ], [ [[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1]], [[0.2,0.8],[0.2,0.8],[0.2,0.8],[0.9,0.1]], [[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.2,0.8],[0.9,0.1]], [[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.2,0.8],[0.9,0.1]] ] ])
y_pred1 = tf.constant(y_pred0)
y_pred2 = tf.argmax(y_pred1, axis=3)
y_label = np.array([[[1,0,1,0],[1,0,1,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,1,0]], [[1,0,1,0],[1,0,1,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,1,0]]])
y_label2 = tf.constant(y_label)
iou, conf_mat = tf.metrics.mean_iou(y_label2, y_pred2, num_classes=2)
sess = tf.Session()
res = sess.run(iou)
This example returns 0
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
def intersection_over_union(prediction, labels):
pred = tf.argmax(prediction, axis=3)
labl = tf.constant(labels)
iou, conf_mat = tf.metrics.mean_iou(labl, pred, num_classes=2)
return iou
y_pred0 = np.array([ [ [[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1]], [[0.2,0.8],[0.2,0.8],[0.2,0.8],[0.9,0.1]], [[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.2,0.8],[0.9,0.1]], [[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.2,0.8],[0.9,0.1]] ], [ [[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1]], [[0.2,0.8],[0.2,0.8],[0.2,0.8],[0.9,0.1]], [[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.2,0.8],[0.9,0.1]], [[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.2,0.8],[0.9,0.1]] ] ])
y_pred1 = tf.constant(y_pred0)
y_label = np.array([[[1,0,1,0],[1,0,1,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,1,0]], [[1,0,1,0],[1,0,1,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,1,0]]])
mean__iou = intersection_over_union(y_pred1, y_label)
sess = tf.Session()
res = sess.run(mean__iou)
It would be very nice to have a function calculating mean IoU without initializing all variables in it. Is there any way to fix the second example? I think that the problem is in calculating IoU and confusion matrix simultanously and i didn't found another way for it as by running them separately by Session().
You need to run the update operation that tf.metrics.mean_iou
returns before getting the iou value from the tensor.
Here is the fixed code:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
def intersection_over_union(prediction, labels):
pred = tf.argmax(prediction, axis=3)
labl = tf.constant(labels)
iou, conf_mat = tf.metrics.mean_iou(labl, pred, num_classes=2)
return iou, conf_mat
y_pred0 = np.array([ [ [[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1]], [[0.2,0.8],[0.2,0.8],[0.2,0.8],[0.9,0.1]], [[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.2,0.8],[0.9,0.1]], [[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.2,0.8],[0.9,0.1]] ], [ [[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1]], [[0.2,0.8],[0.2,0.8],[0.2,0.8],[0.9,0.1]], [[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.2,0.8],[0.9,0.1]], [[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.2,0.8],[0.9,0.1]] ] ])
y_pred1 = tf.constant(y_pred0)
y_label = np.array([[[1,0,1,0],[1,0,1,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,1,0]], [[1,0,1,0],[1,0,1,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,1,0]]])
mean__iou, conf_mat = intersection_over_union(y_pred1, y_label)
sess = tf.Session()
res = sess.run(mean__iou)
Which returns the correct value: 0.66071427