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AirFlow scheduler - run date

I have a DAG that runs weekly on every Monday at 11am. It ran on 13/05, it was turned off on 20/05 and was turned on again on 27/05.

dag = DAG(
    schedule_interval='0 11 * * 1',

My question is: on 27/05 DAG ran but "run date" was set to 20/05 and I don't know why. Is it because it was turned off on 20/05 and DAG got the "last scheduled date"? In this case, next week (June 3) it will run with "run date" set to 27/05 or 03/06?

What will be execution_date and next_execution_date in this case on June 3?

Task state



  • If you watch on all running tasks of current dag, you will see that at Run show datetime of previous running task defined in schedule_interval. Started and Ended show running real datetime of current task. In the next week (June 3) you will see in Run this date `2019-05-27T11:00:00'