I have the following json:
"car": "bmw",
"addr":"89 Psr"
"addr":"56 apT"
The key ext-118-21-8-0-29
is dynamic it will change the next time and I don't know the exact value, that's why I need to use wildcard. I need to get the value of the key addr
where version is 4
I'm expectig as output 89 Psr
I tried the following using the function startswith()
jq '.detail.addresses | select(startswith("ext"))'
But it end with an error.
jq: error (at :0): startswith() requires string inputs
If you don't care about the keys in the object you're searching, you could just search the values of the object using []
which you could then filter to your desired results.
.details.addresses[][] | select(.version == 4).addr
If on the other hand you wanted to select keys that has a version 4, you could use to_entries
to do this:
.details.addresses | to_entries[] | select(any(.value[]; .version == 4)).key