I want to send an email to multiple users in Odoo 12 when a scheduler runs with custom data in email. I created my email template in the XML file. Also, I have a method which returns all my email addresses as a list. How can I loop over this list in email template in "email_to" field and get all email addresses and send the email to all of those emails?
Following is my email template:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<data noupdate="1">
<record id="repayment_due_date_reminder_email_template" model="mail.template">
<field name="name">Repayment Due Date Reminder Email Template</field>
<field name="email_from">admin@netlinks.af</field>
<field name="subject">Repayment Due Date Reminder</field>
<field name="email_to">${for email in object.get_groups_usesr_email():
<field name="lang">${object.lang}</field>
<field name="model_id" ref="hr_payroll_advance_salary.model_loan_request"/>
<field name="body_html">
<p>The following loan installment is due for repayment:<br/>
Loan Recepient: ${(object.employee_id.name)}<br/>
Total Loan Amount: ${(object.loan_amount)} ${(object.currency)} <br/>
Installment Due: ${(object.loan_amount)} ${(object.currency)} <br/>
Repayment Date: ${(object.repayment_schedule_ids.repayment_date)} <br/>
You can view the loan record here for further details </p>
I call the email template using the below code:
template_rec = self.env.ref('hr_payroll_advance_salary.repayment_due_date_reminder_email_template')
template_rec.send_mail(loan.id, force_send=True)
And this is the method which returns emails:
def get_groups_usesr_email(self):
emails = []
user_ids = self.get_users_from_groups('group_nl_finance_manager')
emails = self.get_users_email('group_nl_finance_manager', user_ids)
user_ids = self.get_users_from_groups('group_nl_ceo')
new_emails = self.get_users_email('group_nl_ceo', user_ids)
for email in new_emails:
return emails
I'm doing the above things in order to send an email to all users of two different groups and I am not sure if it's the appropriate way or not. Is it possible to do what I want to do or not or it can be done using another way?
I sent the email template to all the email addresses using a loop on emails with below code and that works fine in my case.
all_eamils = loan.get_groups_usesr_email()
for email in all_eamils:
template_rec = self.env.ref('hr_payroll_advance_salary.repayment_due_date_reminder_email_template')
template_rec.write({'email_to': email})
template_rec.send_mail(loan.id, force_send=True)