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How to create an EWS item (Calendar event or Contact) in the Deleted Items folder in Outlook?

I was trying to recreate the item into Deleted Items folder, but nothing happened, I got these errors "ErrorCannotCreateCalendarItemInNonCalendarFolder" or "ErrorCannotCreateContactInNonContactFolder". How to overcome this?

I used the request to POST with the body

    "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?> "
    "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"\" "
                   "xmlns:t=\"\" >"
      "<soap:Header> "
        "<t:RequestServerVersion Version=\"Exchange2013\" /> "
        "<t:ExchangeImpersonation> "
          "<t:ConnectingSID> "
            "<t:PrincipalName>%MAIL_BOX%</t:PrincipalName> "     // <<------- MAIL_BOX ---- FILLED IN BY A TEMPLATE PARAM
          "</t:ConnectingSID> "
        "</t:ExchangeImpersonation> "
      "</soap:Header> "
      "<soap:Body> "
        "<CreateItem xmlns=\"\" "
                    "MessageDisposition=\"SaveOnly\" "
                    "SendMeetingInvitations=\"SendToNone\"> "
            "<t:FolderId Id=\"%FOLDER_ID%\"/>"                             // <<------- FOLDER_ID ---- FILLED IN BY A TEMPLATE PARAM
            "%ITEMS_CONTENT%"                                              // <<------- ITEMS_CONTENT ---- FILLED IN BY A TEMPLATE PARAM

And got such the response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
        <h:ServerVersionInfo MajorVersion="15" MinorVersion="20" MajorBuildNumber="1922" MinorBuildNumber="23" Version="V2018_01_08" xmlns:h="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" />
        <m:CreateItemResponse xmlns:m="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:t="">
                <m:CreateItemResponseMessage ResponseClass="Error">
                    <m:MessageText>Cannot create a calendar item in a non-calendar folder.</m:MessageText>
                    <m:Items />


  • Because the Deleted Items Folder class is IPF.Note EWS restricts you from creating items that are Calendar or Contacts in these types of folder hence the error message your receiving. A workaround is just create the Items in the normal Calendar or Contacts folder and then use the Move operation to move it after you have created it.