I am looking for an easy way to obtain the column-wise average of a subset of values in a matrix (indexed by a logical matrix), preferably without having to use a loop. The problem that I am experiencing is that because the number of values in each column is different, matlab collapses the values-matrix and its column-wise mean becomes the total mean (of the entire matrix). Is there a specific function or easy workaround for this problem? See below for an example.
%% define value matrix and logical indexing matrix
values=[1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8; 9 10 11 12];
indices=[1 0 0 1; 0 1 0 1; 1 1 0 0];
indices=indices==1; %convert to logical
%% calculate column-wise average
-based approachUse the column index as a grouping variable for accumarray
[~, col] = find(indices);
result = accumarray(col(:), values(indices), [size(values,2) 1], @mean, NaN).';
Note that:
The second line uses (:)
to force the first input to be a column vector. This is needed because the first line may produce col
as a row or column vector, depending on the size of indices
is used as fill value. This is specified as the fifth input to accumarray
The third input to accumarray
defines output size. It is necessary to specify it explicitly (as opposed to letting accumarray
figure it out) in case the last columns of indices
only contain false
Multiply and divide element-wise by indices
. That will turn unwanted entries into NaN
, which can then be ignored by mean
using the 'omitnan'
result = mean(values.*indices./indices, 1, 'omitnan');
Multiply element-wise by indices
, sum each column, and divide element-wise by the sum of each column of indices
result = sum(values.*indices, 1) ./ sum(indices, 1);