I am using an AES object (aesDecryptObj ) to decrypt a cyphertext that was encrypted using a seperate AES object (aesEncryptObj ).
def aesInit():
global aesEncryptObj
global aesDecryptObj
aesKey = <my key>
aesEncryptObj = AES.new(aesKey, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=<My Init Vector>)
aesDecryptObj = AES.new(aesKey, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=<My Init Vector>)
def aesEncrypt(clearStr):
global aesEncryptObj
padded_data = pad(str(clearStr).encode("utf-8"), aesEncryptObj.block_size)
e = aesEncryptObj.encrypt(padded_data)
eb64 = base64.b64encode(e)
d = eb64.decode('ascii')
def aesDecrypt(encryptedStr):
global aesDecryptObj
e = base64.b64decode(encryptedStr)
b = aesDecryptObj.decrypt(e)
b = unpad(b, aesDecryptObj.block_size)
clearStr = b.decode('utf-8')
cypherText = aesEncrypt('test') #this line will render the same result no matter how many times it is repeated
print(aesDecrypt(cypherText)) #this line executes fine
print(aesDecrypt(cypherText)) #this line throws the "padding is incorrect" error
Using aesEncryptObj sequentially any number of times produces successful results, however, when I use aesDecryptObj to decrypt a given cyphertext two or more times in a row I receive the following error:
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/Cryptodome/Util/Padding.py", line 90, in unpad
raise ValueError("Padding is incorrect.")
ValueError: Padding is incorrect.
Should it be the case that, given the same ciphertext, aesDecryptObj would produce the same results as it did the first time it decrypted the value?
AES objects have a state (at least with AES.MODE_CBC
). You initialize that state with iv=<My Init Vector>
. As you decrypt ciphertext the state changes. You need to reinitialize your object before you call decrypt again.
You probably want something like:
def aesDecrypt(encryptedStr):
aesKey = <my key>
aesDecryptObj = AES.new(aesKey, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=<My Init Vector>)
e = base64.b64decode(encryptedStr)
b = aesDecryptObj.decrypt(e)
b = unpad(b, aesDecryptObj.block_size)
clearStr = b.decode('utf-8')
Or you can simply call aesInit()
again after decrypting the first ciphertext.