Is it possible for me to use the get query to query for a value other than the primary key? Cuz it seems I can only pass in the id column but is there no way in which i could perform the get query with a column other than the id column. Or can I just do this with a normal list query using maybe a filter or something? Thanks for any help!
Yes you can issue any DynamoDB query through AppSync. This provides a good introduction that covers PutItem, UpdateItem, and GetItem If you need to get multiple values by a key then you should use the DynamoDB Query operation
When using DynamoDB you need to bake your access patterns into the key schema(s) of your DynamoDB table and secondary indexes. For example, if you want to get a record by "email" then you should create a table where the hash key is "email". You would then be able to perform a GetItem operation by "email". If you need to query by email and have records sorted by date, then you would need a table where the hash key is "email" and the sort key is "date". Etc..
You are able to create secondary indexes and if you want to get a bit more advanced create composite index values and overload indexes to optimize your DynamoDB tables for your access patterns. Checkout the DynamoDB docs to learn more