I am new to flutter and I want to translate some text from an InputField
by calling an API. However I don't want to call it on every key stroke, but instead only when the user paused typing.
On Android I would just use the Handler
class with postDelay()
with beforehand calling removeAllCallbacksAndMessages(null)
. Is there a way to do something similar on Dart?
Here is my current code:
Future<String> getTranslation(String query, Language from, Language to) async {
// cancel here if a call to this function was less than 500 millis ago.
return Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500), () {
return _translator.translate(query, from: from.code, to: to.code)
Edit 1
I'm calling the code from my Bloc like so:
Stream<State> mapEventToState(Event event) async* {
if (event is QueryChangeEvent) {
yield TextTranslationChangeState(
query: event.query ?? "",
translation: await _repo.getTranslation(event.query, currentState.fromLang, currentState.toLang));
This is why I cannot call .then()
on the future because I wouldn't be able to yield the new state from the block of the nested function.
Any help is appreciated!
You can achieve cancelling the Future
async operation by using CancelableOperation
Here is an example (p.s I simplified your method signature for me to test it easily)
CancelableOperation cancellableOperation;
Future<dynamic> fromCancelable(Future<dynamic> future) async {
cancellableOperation = CancelableOperation.fromFuture(future, onCancel: () {
print('Operation Cancelled');
return cancellableOperation.value;
Future<dynamic> getTranslation(String query, String from, String to) async {
return Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 1000), () {
return "Hello";
On Text Changed Listener:
onTextChanged() {
fromCancelable(getTranslation("query", "EN", "TR")).then((value) {
print("Then called: $value");
Sample output:
I/flutter ( 7312): Operation Cancelled
I/flutter ( 7312): Operation Cancelled
I/flutter ( 7312): Operation Cancelled
I/flutter ( 7312): Operation Cancelled
I/flutter ( 7312): Then called: Hello