I have some area X by Y pixels and I need to fill it up pixel by pixel. The problem is that at any given moment the drawn shape should be as round as possible.
I think that this algorithm is subset of Ordered Dithering, when converting grayscale images to one-bit, but I could not find any references nor could I figure it out myself.
I am aware of Bresenham's Circle, but it is used to draw circle of certain radius not area.
I created animation of all filling percents for 10 by 10 pixel grid. As full area is 10x10=100px, then each frame is exactly 1% inc.
A filled disk has the equation
(X - Xc)² + (Y - Yc)² ≤ C.
When you increase C
, the number of points that satisfies the equation increases, but because of symmetry it increases in bursts.
To obtain the desired filling effect, you can compute (X - Xc)² + (Y - Yc)²
for every pixel, sort on this value, and let the pixels appear one by one (or in a single go if you know the desired number of pixels).
You can break ties in different ways:
keep the original order as when you computed the pixels, by using a stable sort;
shuffle the runs of equal values;
slightly alter the center coordinates so that there are no ties.
Filling with the de-centering trick.