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How can I get an element from linked list with given index in java?

I'm learning about link-list in Java. and I'm want to write a method to give the value of node based on given index

I write a function, but it does not pass some of testcases, and I dont know why?. what is wrong with my logic?


public class Waypoint {
    int x  ;
    int y  ;
    public int getX()
        return this.x;
    public int getY()
        return this.y;
    public void setXY(int x, int y)
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;


public class TourElement {
 private Waypoint points;
 private TourElement next;
  public void setWaypoint( Waypoint points)
   this.points = points; 
  public void setTourElement(TourElement next)
  { = next;
 Waypoint getWaypoint()
     return this.points;

 TourElement getNext()

int getNoOfWaypoints()//  return the number of waypoints in the list
    int count = 1;
    TourElement current = getNext();
    while( != null)
        current =;
    return count;

// here is method I'm strucking with:

Waypoint getWaypointAt(int index)
   int totalElement = getNoOfWaypoints();
   int count = 0;
   TourElement current = getNext();
   if(index < totalElement && index >= 0)
       while ( != null)
        if(count == index)
              return getWaypoint();
          current =;

   return null;

//the testcase: //case 1: pass

public void test0GetWaypointAt_First() {
        TourElement elem = createElementList(new int[][] {{0, 0}, {1, 1}, {2, 2}});
        Waypoint expected = createWaypoint(0, 0);
        assertArrayEquals(expected.toArray(), elem.getWaypointAt(0).toArray());

//case 2 and case 3: failed

public void test0GetWaypointAt_Snd() {
        TourElement elem = createElementList(new int[][] {{0, 0}, {1, 1}, {2, 2}});
        Waypoint expected = createWaypoint(1, 1);
        assertArrayEquals(expected.toArray(), elem.getWaypointAt(1).toArray());

    public void test0GetWaypointAt_Last() {
        TourElement elem = createElementList(new int[][] {{0, 0}, {1, 1}, {2, 2}});
        Waypoint expected = createWaypoint(2, 2);
        assertArrayEquals(expected.toArray(), elem.getWaypointAt(2).toArray());

I dont know the reason. Please help me. Thank you so much in advance


  • Structure you've build with list seems ok, about your method getWaypointAt I see at least two problems:

    First problem

       TourElement current = getNext();

    getNext() is already the next element in your list, so you're skipping the first element all the time. It should be

       TourElement current = this;

    Second problem

        return getWaypoint();

    It returns waypoint from the head all the time. Should be

        return current.getWaypoint();

    Seems like your first test should fail as well. I don't see the way you build elements in createElementList, it could be a reason why it pass.