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Zip function in System F

Let's define list type

list = forall 'a, 'x. ('a -> 'x -> 'x) -> 'x -> 'x 

where for instance

nil = Λ'a . Λ'x . λ(c : 'a -> 'x -> 'x) . λ(e : 'x) . e
cons = Λ'a . Λ'x . λ(head : 'a) . λ(tail : list 'a 'x) . λ(c : 'a -> 'x -> 'x) . λ(e : 'x) . c head (tail c e)

I am trying to define function zip of type

zip : forall 'a, 'b, 'c, 'x. ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> list 'a 'x -> list 'b 'x -> list 'c 'x 

That intuitively does

zip (+) [1,2,3] [4,5,6] = [5,7,9]
zip (λa . λb . a) [1,2] [2,3,4] = [1,2]
zip (λa . λb . a) [2,3,4] [1,2] = [2,3]

Note that it truncates the longer list to fit the shorter.

The main problem I encounter here is that I cannot "iterate" over two lists at once. How can implement such a function in system F? Is it even possible?


  • Okay, I managed to write solution for it. First of all let's define helper option type:

    option = forall 'a, 'x. ('a -> 'x) -> 'x -> 'x

    Which has two constructors:

    none = Λ'a . Λ'x . λ (onsome : 'a -> 'x) . λ (onnone : 'x) . onnone
    some = Λ'a . Λ'x . λ (elem : 'a) . λ (onsome : 'a -> 'x) . λ (onnone : 'x) . onsome elem

    Next step are functions that will extract head and tail of the list. head will return option 'elemtype to handle empty list case, but tail will just return empty list on empty list (in similar manner to predecessor function on Church numerals)

    head = Λ 'a . λ (l : list 'a) . l (λ (elem : 'a) . λ (p : option 'a) . some elem) none
    tail = Λ 'a . λ (l : list 'a) .
           ( l (λ (elem : 'a) . λ (p : pair (list 'a) (list 'a)) .
                   make_pair (list 'a) (list 'a) 
                      (pair_second (list 'a) (list 'a) p) 
                      (cons 'a elem (pair_second (list 'a) (list 'a) p))) 
               (make_pair (list 'a) (list 'a) (nil 'a) (nil 'a)))

    The idea of head is that we start aggregating our list starting with none on empty list and for each new element from the left we set this element as our result wrapped by some to preserve typing. tail on the other hand does not need option to be well defined, because in case of empty list we may just return an empty list. It looks very ugly, but uses same technique as predecessor of natural numbers. I assume pair interface is known.

    Next, let's define listmatch function that will pattern match on given list

    listmatch = Λ 'a . Λ 'x . λ (l : list 'a) . λ (oncons : 'a -> list 'a -> 'x) . λ (onnil : 'x) .
        (head 'a l)
          (λ (hd : 'a) . oncons hd (tail 'a l))

    This function helps us distinguish empty list and non-empty list and perform some actions after its destruction.

    Almost finally, we would like to have foldl2 function that given function f, empty case em and two lists [a,b,c] and [x,y] returns something like this: f(f(em a x) b y) (shrinks lists to the shorter one cutting off the tail).

    It can be defined as

    foldl2 =
      Λ 'a . Λ 'b . Λ 'c .
      λ (f : 'c -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c) . λ (em : 'c) . λ (la : list 'a) . λ (lb : list 'b) .
      pair_first 'c (list 'b)
        ((reverse 'a la)
          ( λ (el : 'a) . λ (p : pair 'c (list 'b)) . 
            listmatch 'a (pair 'c (list 'b)) (pair_second 'c (list 'b) p)
              (λ (hd : 'a) . λ (tl : list 'a) .
                make_pair 'c (list 'b) 
                  (f (pair_first 'c (list 'b) p) el hd)
              (make_pair 'c (list 'b) (pair_first 'c (list 'b) p) (nil 'a))
          (make_pair 'c (list 'b) em lb))

    After this the zip is just in our hands:

    zip = 
      Λ 'a . Λ 'b . Λ 'c .
      λ (f : 'a -> 'b -> 'c) . λ (la : list 'a) . λ (lb : list 'b) .
      reverse 'c
        (foldl2 'a 'b 'c
          (λ (lt : 'c) . λ (a : 'a) . λ (b : 'b) . cons 'c (f a b) lt)
          (nil 'c) la lb)