My aim is to pass some string to the data source and then process there and get back the result. Below given code works in solidity
oraclize_query("URL", "json(","sfdg");
But when i try to fetch some value from blockchain and use it, if fails
string memory st = arr[msg.sender];
oraclize_query("URL", "json(",st);
everything compiles properly. Even truffle migrate --reset works fine. I feel that the fetching from blockchain takes some time and oraclize_query() is called before the fetch.
Below there is mentioned the error.
[2019-05-28T08:54:50.206Z] INFO new HTTP query created, id: 72e3a263387ed365d97bc97a64c601380a5b4e8bbd1b3740bcc2af1e2bc97b19
[2019-05-28T08:54:50.215Z] INFO checking HTTP query 72e3a263387ed365d97bc97a64c601380a5b4e8bbd1b3740bcc2af1e2bc97b19 status in 0 seconds
[2019-05-28T08:54:50.215Z] INFO checking HTTP query 72e3a263387ed365d97bc97a64c601380a5b4e8bbd1b3740bcc2af1e2bc97b19 status every 5 seconds...
[2019-05-28T08:54:56.634Z] INFO 72e3a263387ed365d97bc97a64c601380a5b4e8bbd1b3740bcc2af1e2bc97b19 HTTP query result:
"result": {
"_timestamp": 1559033691,
"id": "72e3a263387ed365d97bc97a64c601380a5b4e8bbd1b3740bcc2af1e2bc97b19",
"daterange": [
"_lock": false,
"id2": "72fdf59adf3ecc92244e3b173ce1657252ab5eb877c3569a393599d34dd2c848",
"actions": [],
"interval": 3600,
"checks": [
"errors": [
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1559033691,
"results": [
"proofs": [
"match": true
"version": 3,
"_timestamp_creation": 1559033689,
"context": {
"protocol": "eth",
"relative_timestamp": 1559033687,
"type": "blockchain",
"name": "eth_AB65E563DB"
"active": false,
"hidden": false,
"payload": {
"conditions": [
"query": [
"proof_type": 0,
"check_op": "tautology",
"datasource": "URL",
"value": null
"success": true
[2019-05-28T08:54:56.637Z] ERROR HTTP query error
[2019-05-28T08:54:56.639Z] INFO sending __callback tx...
"contract_myid": "0x72fdf59adf3ecc92244e3b173ce1657252ab5eb877c3569a393599d34dd2c848",
"contract_address": "0x481a276d14a6a74e1ec1f74b64c2af226ba7033c"
[2019-05-28T08:55:01.853Z] INFO contract 0x481a276d14a6a74e1ec1f74b64c2af226ba7033c __callback tx sent, transaction hash: 0xfada229b6f9860e0717b3a098dd93aaef280852dbf75109c830b555c488e6c81
"myid": "0x72fdf59adf3ecc92244e3b173ce1657252ab5eb877c3569a393599d34dd2c848",
"result": "",
"proof": null,
"proof_type": "0x00",
"contract_address": "0x481a276d14a6a74e1ec1f74b64c2af226ba7033c",
"gas_limit": 200000,
"gas_price": null
Please help to solve this.
Thank you for adding the error logs.
If you're adding POST data as a string but that's in a valid JSON format, it will be parsed as such. In order to preserve it as a string, you need to add a newline char or whitespace so the beginning of the string:
which proved not to be the main issue in the end...You're hitting a parsing error in the ethereum-bridge
due to it trying but failing to parse the returned json
from your query.
However at the time of writing, your local tunnel is returning a 404
error rather than the data it originally returned.
Then, as the ethereum-bridgeattempts to parse the
jsonto pluck the value from the
a` key, per your query:
json( can't because there is not json
and so no a
field and so you get a parsing error.
To fix it, ensure your local tunnel is working and that the data returned is in correct json
format, and that there is an a
key present for the parser to work with.