Search code examples

Pandas: dynamically shifting values across columns

I have the following df:

           sales2001   sales2002   sales2003  sales2004
   200012  19.12       0.98 
   200101  19.1        0.98        2.3
   200102  21          0.97        0.8
   200112  19.12       0.99        2.4
   200201              0.98        2.5
   200202              0.97        0.8        1.2

I would like to shift the content in order to align it a timegap view, as follow:

           sales+1y   sales+2y
   200012  19.12       0.98 
   200101  0.98        2.3       
   200102  0.97        0.8
   200112  0.99        2.4
   200201  0.98        2.5
   200202  0.8         1.2

basically aligning the forecasted data points to a fixed timegap to the index. I tried with iterrows and dynamically calling the columns given the index but cannot make it work. do you guys have any suggestion?


  • Another option is to use pd.wide_to_long and pivot:

    # here I assume the index name is index
    new_df = pd.wide_to_long(df.reset_index(), 'sales', i='index', j='sale_end').reset_index()
    # if index is datetime, then use dt.year
    new_df['periods'] = new_df['sale_end'] - new_df['index']//100
    # pivot
    new_df.dropna().pivot(index='index',columns='periods', values='sales')


    periods -1      0       1       2
    200012  NaN     NaN     19.12   0.98
    200101  NaN     19.10   0.98    2.30
    200102  NaN     21.00   0.97    0.80
    200112  NaN     19.12   0.99    2.40
    200201  0.98    2.50    NaN     NaN
    200202  0.97    0.80    1.20    NaN