I got a code to download 5 days older files from SFTP server. But instead of downloading the files, I want to store the names of 5 days older files into a list. Please help me to modify the code. Thanks in advance
Code I am using right now (based on Download files from SFTP server that are older than 5 days using Python)
import time
def get_r_portable(sftp, remotedir, localdir, preserve_mtime=False):
for entry in sftp.listdir_attr(remotedir):
remotepath = remotedir + "/" + entry.filename
localpath = os.path.join(localdir, entry.filename)
mode = entry.st_mode
if S_ISDIR(mode):
except OSError:
get_r_portable(sftp, remotepath, localpath, preserve_mtime)
elif S_ISREG(mode):
if (time.time() - entry.st_mtime) // (24 * 3600) >= 5:
sftp.get(remotepath, localpath, preserve_mtime=preserve_mtime)
instead of using sftp.get
to download the files, I'm just adding their path to a list, and returning it at the end
import time
def get_r_portable(sftp, remotedir):
result = []
for entry in sftp.listdir_attr(remotedir):
remotepath = remotedir + "/" + entry.filename
mode = entry.st_mode
if S_ISDIR(mode):
result += get_r_portable(sftp, remotepath)
elif S_ISREG(mode):
if (time.time() - entry.st_mtime) // (24 * 3600) >= 5:
return result