I'm trying to pick the X and Y Coordinates from a 2D Chart in QT when a mouse click is done on the 2D Chart widget.
I tried to use the mapFromScene , mapToValue and other similar functions that are available in the QTChart Library. But I'm unable to get the values.
I got the expected output for this problem.
This is my Code which works fine for me.
// function for mouse press events
void 2D_Graph::mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent * e) {
if(chartView->chart()->isEnabled()) {
auto curPoint = QCursor::pos();
curPoint = chartView->mapFromGlobal(curPoint);
auto pickVal = chartView->mapToScene(curPoint);
pickVal = chartView->chart()->mapFromScene(curPoint);
pickVal = chartView->chart()->mapToValue(curPoint,chartView->chart()->series().at(0));
qDebug() << "Diagram Picked Value : " << pickVal;