I have column Explanation (VARCHAR2) in table:
No| Explanation
1 | Shipment of cabbage by agreement 29.04.2019 TAX Free
2 | Payment for screws (01.04.19) Tax: 13.55 %
3 | For reserch by deal dated 01.01.2015 Tax free
4 | Tax payment for the may 2019
I need query thats will answer "Does entry have a date in some form in it?" Yes / No for each entry. Is it possible on Oracle 9i?
I tried some solutions. But run into issue:
"ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected".
I don't clearly now where datestamp will be in field.
select to_char(to_date(EXPLANATION, 'DD.MM.YYYY')) from PAYMENTDOC
You can do this using regular expression. Try below code :
select No, Explanation,
case when regexp_instr(Explanation,'\d{2}.\d{2}.\d{2}')!=1 then
when regexp_instr(Explanation,'\d{2}.\d{2}.\d{4}')!=1 then
when REGEXP_instr(Explanation, '(January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December) [0-9]{4}')!=1 then
END Does_entry_have_a_date_in_some_form_in_it
from table_name;
Output :
No| Explanation | Does_entry_have_a_date_in_some_form_in_it
1 | Shipment of cabbage by agreement 29.04.2019 TAX Free | Y
2 | Payment for screws (01.04.19) Tax: 13.55 % | Y
3 | For reserch by deal dated 01.01.2015 Tax free | Y
4 | Tax payment for the may 2019 | Y