I have data
Name V1
M1 50
M2 10
M1 30
M1 45
M2 5
M2 7
With my code, I was able to produce a violin plot
. But I don't know how to put the value of mean in each violin plot in number using base R
(not ggplot
Here is an example of my code.
with(Data, vioplot(V1[Name=="M1"], V1[Name=="M2"], names=c("M1", "M2"),
plotCentre="line", rectCol="white", col="gray", ylab="",
title(ylab="A($m)", xlab="Name", main="AA")
Thanks a lot
You could use the following code:
Your data:
Data <- read.table(header = TRUE,
text = "Name V1
M1 50
M2 10
M1 30
M1 45
M2 5
M2 7")
## calculate the mean per group
DataMean <- Data %>%
group_by(Name) %>%
summarize(mean = mean(V1))
## your plotting code
with(Data, vioplot(V1[Name=="M1"], V1[Name=="M2"], names=c("M1", "M2"),
plotCentre="line", rectCol="white", col="gray", ylab="",
title(ylab="A($m)", xlab="Name", main="AA")
## use base r 'text' to add the calculated means
## at position 1 and 2 on the X-axis, and
## at height of the Y-axis of 60 (2 times)
text(x = c(1, 2), y = c(60,60), labels = round(DataMean$mean, 2))
yielding the following plot:
Of course, we can play around with the position of the text. If we want the means to appear inside the violin plots, we use the mean values as Y-coordinates, and change the color to make it more visible (and shift the X-coordinates a little to the right, in combination with a lighter grey).
### playing with position and color
with(Data, vioplot(V1[Name=="M1"], V1[Name=="M2"], names=c("M1", "M2"),
plotCentre="line", rectCol="white", col="lightgray", ylab="",
title(ylab="A($m)", xlab="Name", main="AA")
text(x = c(1.1, 2.1), y = DataMean$mean, labels = round(DataMean$mean, 2), col = "blue")
yielding this plot:
Please, let me know whether this is what you want.