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Change concrete class binding on demand in Laravel Service Container

How do I change a concrete class binding dynamically.

I'm trying to test an artisan command that consumes an external API.

class ConsumeApiCommand extends Command
    public function __construct(ClientInterface $client)

        $this->client = $client;

    public function handle()
        $api_response = $this->client->request('POST', 'http://external.api/resource');

        $response = json_decode($api_response);

        if(isset($response['error'])) {
        } else {

Currently; I can fake the concrete class in my tests.

class FakeServiceProvider extends AppServiceProvider
    public function register(): void
        $this->app->bind(ClientInterface::class, function () {
            return new class implements ClientInterface {
                public function request($method, $uri, $headers = [], $body = [])
                    return json_encode(['status' => "You've reached us."]);


public function test_can_consume_api_if_authenticated()
         ->expectsOutput("You've reached us.")

Failing; returns initially binded class response You've reached us.

public function test_cant_consume_api_if_not_authenticated()
    $this->app->bind(ClientInterface::class, function () {
        return new class implements ClientInterface {
            public function request($method, $uri, $headers = [], $body = [])
                return json_encode(['error' => "Unauthorized."]);


Is it possible to achieve the desire behavior this way? Or service container bindings can't change during the request lifetime?


  • Am just leaving a code snippet for those that might be wondering how I solved this.

    Basing on Leonardo's answer, the source in the question is okay, but I had to manipulate the required interface manually, inject it into the command and add the command to the service container.

    I was not able to override the binding dynamically.

    use Illuminate\Container\Container;
    use Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel;
    class ConsumeApiCommandTest extends TestCase
        public function test_can_consume_api_if_authenticated()
                 ->expectsOutput("You've reached us.")
        public function test_cant_consume_api_if_not_authenticated()
            // Mock client interface.
            $mock = \Mockery::mock(ClientInterface::class);
            // Here you override the methods you want.
                 ->andReturn(json_encode(['error' => "Unauthorized."]));
            $command = new ConsumeApiCommand($mock);
            // Re-register artisan command.