Can you please help me with this problem?
You have the following information:
Name Date Size_Total Size_Free Size_Used
X 20/05/2019 50MB 40MB 10MB
X 21/05/2019 50MB 35MB 15MB
X 22/05/2019 50MB 26MB 24MB
X 23/05/2019 50MB 24MB 26MB
X 24/05/2019 50MB 22MB 28MB
X 25/05/2019 50MB 17MB 33MB
X 26/05/2019 50MB 15MB 35MB
These data are extracted from a database daily for monitoring. What statistical function can I use to determine how many days are left to the database to run out of space according to its use?
I appreciate the help.
Thank you so much
A simple solution would be to use linear regression to come up with a linear model of the database size.
Using this input generates the following output.
The equation of the slope of the line is what we're looking for: y = 4.107x + 8
. We can use this to find when the database will reach its maximum size by determining where this function intersects with y = 50
, the size of the database. This second equation is a horizontal line because the maximum size of the database does not vary with respect to x
, time, which is the whole problem.
Looking for the intersection yields the following result:
Remember, however, that the answer, 10.2264
, includes the days that have already gone by. We had seven days worth of input, so since our model predicts the database will fill up on day ten, we have roughly two days and some change. This is not a hard figure though, because remember that the database size is increasing irregularly and we could much more or much less time if our base data was not representative of the true database use, or if external factors that directly impacted database use changed.
Note that I did not include computations in the answer because I'm focusing on the high-level concept. I used the first linear regression calculator a quick google search pulled up and then plugged in the equation into Wolfram Alpha, so please actually do this yourself to verify the numbers are correct.