I'm trying to make an application that able to publish video to a Facebook page. I obtain list of available pages via /me/account request and get correct response:
"category":"Music Video",
"category_list":[{"id":"1207","name":"Music Video"}],
"name":"My mighty musical page",
after this I take the "id" value and send request to start live video, using the id value as page-id in the link:
{Request: accessToken: {AccessToken token:ACCESS_TOKEN_REMOVED permissions:[manage_pages, publish_video, publish_pages, user_videos, public_profile, pages_show_list, publish_to_groups, groups_access_member_info, email]}, graphPath: /XXX/live_videos, graphObject: null, httpMethod: POST, parameters: Bundle[{privacy={"value":"EVERYONE"}}] }
As a result I receive the following error:
{HttpStatus: 400, errorCode: 100, subErrorCode: -1, errorType: OAuthException, errorMessage: (#100) Subject should be a page account} /APP: [FacebookFramework] Attempt to start streaming to Facebook returned the error: code 100, message: (#100) Subject should be a page account {FacebookServiceException: httpResponseCode: 400, facebookErrorCode: 100, facebookErrorType: OAuthException, message: (#100) Subject should be a page account}
that actually describes nothing about what goes wrong. I have all required permissions. I am creator of the page and have admin rights. I have no idea where can I find this "correct id". Did I miss something important?
PS. Also I use similar code to post to a group and it works ok.
Yes, you were right, the problem was that I did not pass correct token when tried to start streaming. Correct token is received with /me/account response. I created token the following way
final AccessToken currentToken = getCurrentAccessToken();
new AccessToken (
"XXX", //custom token string here
and it works well with this new token