I am wondering how to use the case insensitive for $in expressions.
According to the official MongoDB manual you can do this:
{ name: { $in: [ /^acme/i, /^ack/ ] } }
I tested out this on Compass and it's working fine, search is insensitive.
I need to this using the Mongo Driver in C#.
I am doing this:
var array = new BsonArray(companyNames);
var filter = new BsonDocument { { "Name", new BsonDocument { { "$in", new BsonArray(array) }} } };
var result = _collection.Find(filter).ToList();
companyNames is a string[]
However this retrieves me only exact matches. It's kind of obvious because I am not including the "regex" expression. But I don't know how I am able to include the regex in a string.
The workaround is to create an $or expresion with regex for every company name.
Does anyone knows how to do this?
With mongo-csharp-driver, you can utilise MongoDB.Bson.BsonRegularExpression. You can either perform:
var arrayIn = new BsonArray().Add(
new BsonRegularExpression("^acme", "i")
new BsonRegularExpression("^ack"));
var filter = new BsonDocument { { "name", new BsonDocument { { "$in", arrayIn }} } };
var cursor = collection.Find(filter).ToList();
Or alternatively, instead of string
use Regex and RegexOptions:
var arrayIn = new BsonArray().Add(
new BsonRegularExpression(
new Regex(
"^acme", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
).Add(new BsonRegularExpression(