I have a mobx store and it's really hit and miss getting my storename.g.dart generated.
The first time, I copied an example from medium and just kept running the generator until eventually it gave code.
The second time, I wrote my own store forgot the abstract keyword. Added it in and it worked.
I thought that was the problem.
Now, third project, I think I have all my code down but it's still not generating. Many actions but no output.
What makes it work or fail? This is my current mobx
import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
import 'package:firebase_auth/firebase_auth.dart';
// have this line
// then generate with
// flutter packages pub run build_runner build
// or
// flutter packages pub run build_runner clean; flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
// todo edit this file name
part 'usermodel.g.dart';
class UserModel = UserModelBase with _$UserModel;
abstract class UserModelBase implements Store {
FirebaseUser user;
setUser(FirebaseUser u){
user = u;
dispose() {}
is should be used as a mixin.
abstract class Foo with Store {}
abstract class Foo implements Store {
void dispose() {}