I have the following string
1h 30min: Title
- Description Line 1
1h 30min: Title
- Description Line 1
- Description Line 2
- Description Line 3
And I would like to get the following results using regex.
Match 1:
"1h 30min: Title
- Description Line 1"
Group 1: "1h"
Group 2: "30min"
Group 3: "Title
- Description Line 1"
Match 2:
"1h 30min: Title
- Description Line 1
- Description Line 2
- Description Line 3"
Group 1: "1h"
Group 2: "30min"
Group 3: "Title
- Description Line 1
- Description Line 2
- Description Line 3"
I have the following regex https://regex101.com/r/dp5zKq/1
However I can't figure out how to make the any character / new line regex stop when it hits a new match for the hours & minutes. Any ideas?
You could match the h and min parts in group 1 and 2.
Then use a repeating pattern that matches the whole line if it does not start with the hour pattern (or include the minute afterwards as well.
([0-9]{1,2}h)[ ]*([0-9]{1,2}min):[ ]*(.*(?:\n(?![0-9]{1,2}h).*)*)
([0-9]{1,2}h)[ ]*
Capturing group 1, the h format([0-9]{1,2}min)
Capturing group 2, the min format:[ ]*
Match : and 1+ spaces (the space does not have to be in a character class, this is only for clarity)(
Capturing group 3
Match any char except a newline 0+ times(?:
Non capturing group\n(?![0-9]{1,2}h).*
Match a newline, assert what is on the right is not the h pattern. If it is not, match any char except a newline 0+ times)
Close non capturing group and repeat 0+ times)
Close group 3