I am using python-3.x and I would like to speed my code where in every loop, I am creating new values and I checked if they exist or not in the dictionary by using the (check if) then I will keep the index where it is found if it exists in the dictionary. I am using the enumerate but it takes a long time and it very clear way. is there any way to speed my code by using another way or in my case the enumerate is the only way I need to work with? I am not sure in my case using numpy will be better.
Here is my code:
# import numpy
import numpy as np
# my first array
my_array_1 = np.random.choice ( np.linspace ( -1000 , 1000 , 2 ** 8 ) , size = ( 100 , 3 ) , replace = True )
my_array_1 = np.array(my_array_1)
# here I want to find the unique values from my_array_1
indx = np.unique(my_array_1, return_index=True, return_counts= True,axis=0)
#then saved the result to dictionary
dic_t= {"my_array_uniq":indx[0], # unique values in my_array_1
"counts":indx[2]} # how many times this unique element appear on my_array_1
# here I want to create random array 100 times
for i in range (100):
print (i)
# my 2nd array
my_array_2 = np.random.choice ( np.linspace ( -1000 , 1000 , 2 ** 8 ) , size = ( 100 , 3 ) , replace = True )
my_array_2 = np.array(my_array_2)
# I would like to check if the values in my_array_2 exists or not in the dictionary (my_array_uniq":indx[0])
# if it exists then I want to hold the index number of that value in the dictionary and
# add 1 to the dic_t["counts"], which mean this value appear agin and cunt how many.
# if not exists, then add this value to the dic (my_array_uniq":indx[0])
# also add 1 to the dic_t["counts"]
for i, a in enumerate(my_array_2):
ix = [k for k,j in enumerate(dic_t["my_array_uniq"]) if (a == j).all()]
if ix:
print (50*"*", i, "Yes", "at", ix[0])
dic_t["counts"][ix[0]] +=1
# print (50*"*", i, "No")
dic_t["counts"] = np.hstack((dic_t["counts"],1))
dic_t["my_array_uniq"] = np.vstack((dic_t["my_array_uniq"], my_array_2[i]))
1- I will create an initial array.
2- then I want to find the unique values, index and count from an initial array by using (np.unique).
3- saved the result to the dictionary (dic_t)
4- Then I want to start the loop by creating random values 100 times.
5- I would like to check if this random values in my_array_2 exist or not in the dictionary (my_array_uniq":indx[0])
6- if one of them exists then I want to hold the index number of that value in the dictionary.
7 - add 1 to the dic_t["counts"], which mean this value appears again and count how many.
8- if not exists, then add this value to the dic as new unique value (my_array_uniq":indx[0])
9 - also add 1 to the dic_t["counts"]
So from what I can see you are
but with overwhelming probability it will be exactly 100)I'm wondering why you're trying to do this, because it doesn't make much sense to me, but I'll give a few pointers:
and counts