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Using FORFILES in a FOR loop and trying to override the error

I'm writing a for loop to execute the forfiles command on both .xml and .psr files. Currently, if it finds one file type but not the other, it will display "ERROR: No files found with the specified search criteria", but I want the error to say which file type wasn't found. I have an if statement inside the for loop that's supposed to override the error, but it's not working. Here's the loop:

FOR %%G IN (.xml, .psr) DO (
    FORFILES /P "%xmlDir%" /M *%%G /D -%days% /C "CMD /C DEL @FILE"
        ECHO No matches found for %%G files older than %days% days

Edit: Thanks for the answers. My for loop now works as intended and ended up looking like this:

FOR %%G IN (.xml, .psr) DO (
    FORFILES /P "%xmlDir%" /M *%%G /D -%days% /C "CMD /C DEL @FILE" >nul 2>nul
        ECHO No %%G files %days% days old or older were found.
    ) ELSE (
        ECHO %%G files as old as %days% days or older have been deleted.


  • Standard delayed expansion error - You need to invoke delayedexpansion [hundreds of SO articles about that - use the search feature] in order to display or use the run-time value of any variable that's changed within a parenthesised series of instructions (aka "code block").


    is the problem - errorlevel is replaced by its value when the for is encountered.

    The easy way around this is to use conventional errorlevel processing:

    if errorlevel 1 (

    ie. if errorlevel is (1 or greater than 1)

    As for the message, try 2>nul to redirect errormessages to nul OR use

    if exist "%xmldir%\%%G" (forfiles...
     ) else (echo no %%G files found)