I'm trying to set up a web service that processes a rendering in background, which takes a minute. While the rendering is in progress i want the server to be able to handle requests in parallel, returning Id {} not found
or the result if there is one.
The tutorials i found mainly handle simple requests without much processing (http://bottlepy.org/docs/dev/async.html, using sleep
to emulate processing). So i'm not quite sure how to implement threading - should the bottlepy routes be set up in a thread?
From http://bottlepy.org/docs/dev/tutorial_app.html#server-setup i know that the default server of bottlepy is single-threaded so i tried to switch to another server (PasteServer).
from bottle import Bottle, run, PasteServer
from service import startWithDirectArgs, default_out, default_out_dir
import threading
class BakingThread(threading.Thread):
# lock = threading.Lock()
isProcessRunning = False
resultDict = {}
currentId = 0
def __init__(self, bakingId: str, args):
self.bakingId = bakingId
self.args = args
def run(self):
# with BakingThread.lock:
if BakingThread.isProcessRunning:
return False
BakingThread.processRunning = True
print("\033[1;32;49m" +
"Starting baking process with id {}".format(self.bakingId) +
result = startWithDirectArgs(self.args)
# result = calculatePi(100_0000_00)
BakingThread.resultDict[self.bakingId] = str(result)
BakingThread.isProcessRunning = False
print("\033[1;32;49m" +
"Finished baking process with id {}".format(self.bakingId) +
return result
def getUniqueId() -> str:
BakingThread.currentId += 1
return str(BakingThread.currentId)
def calculatePi(n: int) -> float:
halfPi = 1.0
zaehler = 2.0
nenner = 1.0
for i in range(n):
halfPi *= zaehler / nenner
if i % 2:
zaehler += 2.0
nenner += 2.0
return 2.0 * halfPi
app = Bottle()
def bakeFile(fileParam: str):
# args = {"file": fileParam, "out": default_out_dir + default_out}
args = {
"file": "build/igmodels/AOMaps/Scene.igxc", # fileParam,
"out": default_out_dir + default_out
cid = getUniqueId()
bt = BakingThread(cid, args)
def bakeUrl(urlParam: str):
args = {"url": urlParam, "out": default_out_dir + default_out}
cid = getUniqueId()
bt = BakingThread(cid, args)
def pullState(bakingId: str):
print("\033[1;33;49m" + "pullState id {}".format(BakingThread.currentId) +
result = BakingThread.resultDict.get(bakingId,
"Id {} not found".format(bakingId))
return result
app.run(host="localhost", port=8080, debug=True, server=PasteServer)
I expect to be able to run http://localhost:8080/bakeFile/3dGeometryFileName
and while the rendering is running i expect calling http://localhost:8080/pullState/1
to respond with Id 1 not found
. After the rendering is done the same call should return a result.
Edit: The rendering process was implemented in C++, bound with PyBind. The Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) prevented the concurrent execution of rendering and webserving, so i added py::gil_scoped_release release;
before and py::gil_scoped_acquire acquire;
after the expensive calculations in the C++ code. In the code above i added a snippet to calculate pi directly in python without C++/PyBind, so the bottlePy developer could point me onto that GIL thing. (Thx Marcel)
Solved it.
The rendering process was implemented in C++, bound with PyBind. The Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) prevented the concurrent execution of rendering and webserving, so i added py::gil_scoped_release release;
before and py::gil_scoped_acquire acquire;
after the expensive calculations in the C++ code. In the code above i added a snippet to calculate pi directly in python without C++/PyBind, so the bottlePy developer could point me onto that GIL thing. (Thx Marcel)