I've followed this simple tutorial http://wiki.eclipse.org/Acceleo/Getting_Started to create an UI launcher...but when I finish and I make a right click on my uml model, I don't have the acceleo tag "Acceleo Model to Tex", so I'm unable to run the plugin...do you know how is it possible? I use th eclipse version 3.6.1 with topcased...
I can see only two ways for this popup menu not to show. The least likely is that the extension of your model does not match the "model file name filter" field from the "new UI project" wizard ("*.uml" by default). I do not think that this is your case, but thought I would mention it anyways.
What I think is the problem in your case is : this tutorial does not really explain to people who are not familiar with Eclipse plugins how to use the UI project. Namely : this new "UI project" is an Eclipse plugin. In order for the menu it contributes to show, you have to deploy the project as a plugin in your Eclipse. This can be done by exporting the project as a deployable plugin (right-click => Export => Deployable plug-ins and fragments) or by spawning a new Eclipse instance from the Eclipse that contains the project (Run => Run Configurations... => double click 'Eclipse Application' then hit "Run").
This last solution is preferred for plugins undergoing development as it allows you to change the plugin and simply spawn a new instance again in order for the changes to show ... however if you do not aim at developping Eclipse plugins, this might not be the best solution as it forces you to have two workspaces : one for the development of the plugin, another for the testing. The UML model on which you will generate code has to be in this "testing" workspace.