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Change rectangle color in Rave runtime Delphi

We print database records in rave using rvproject1 and rvdatasetconnection1 and that works. How to acomplish this in rave: If Adotabel1.fieldbyname('something').asstring = 'something' then Rectangle1 on a data band.color=black else Rectangle1 on a data band.color=green


  • Rawn,

    I believe you must download the Visual Designer Guide.pdf located here What you want to accomplish can be done in several ways(with editor events, from Delphi code, etc). In the manual you will find exactly how to code the band or datatext onbeforeprint event(Rave Report 'language' is very similar to Delphi). At this moment I don't have the time for making you an example.

    best regards,