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Sonata Admin - convert seconds to milliseconds

I am generating my view with fields to display in sonata admin panel. I have a float field in my db that is representing seconds that needs to be converted in milliseconds (multiplied by 1000 and rounded to 0 decimals) for display.

Can anybody help out.


  protected function configureShowFields(ShowMapper $showMapper)

    $ms = $getMs->getResponseTime(); --- this works
    $milliseconds = round($ms / 1000, 2);

        ->add('seconds', 'decimal', array(
            'pattern' => $milliseconds


  • To round a number UP to the nearest integer, look at the ceil function. To round a number DOWN to the nearest integer, look at the floor function.

    /* Seconds */
    $s = $getMs->getResponseTime();
    /* Milliseconds */
    $ms = $s*1000;
    /* Rounded milliseconds */
    $milliseconds = floor($ms);