I want to iteratively add to a Pyomo objective function based upon rows in a pandas dataframe. I've created variables based upon the size of the dataframe:
model.A = Var(range(0,len(arc_decvars)), initialize=0,within=Integers,bounds=(0,5))
where arc_decvars
is a list in the same order as the corresponding pandas dataframe series.
What I would like to do is create an objective function like this, but without having to specify the indices explicitly in the code:
model.ObjFcn = ( df.coefficient[0] * model.A[0] * ( 1- df.coefficient[0] * model.A[0]) ) + ( df.coefficient[1] * model.A[1] * ( 1- df.coefficient[1] * model.A[1]) +...+ ( df.coefficient[999] * model.A[999] * ( 1- df.coefficient[999] * model.A[999]) )
Any idea on how to do this?
---- Followup:
I am adding a series of constraints like this, one for each node:
def NodeA(model):
k = sum(
model.ArcVar[i] * node_arc_matrix[i,0]
for i in model.ArcVar
return k == 2*model.NodeVar[1]
Where the 0-index in node_arc_matrix refers to the column corresponding to Node_A. Instead of creating a constriant for each node manually can I create constraints across both i (arcs) and j (nodes)?
Try using Python list comprehension into the summation formulation.
Considering df.coefficient
and model.A
have arc_decvars
as the domain and that arc_decvars
is in a Pyomo Set
, you can create your objective function this way:
model.ObjFcn = sum(
df.coefficient[i] * model.A[i] * ( 1- df.coefficient[i] * model.A[i])
for i in model.arc_devcars