I get a weird output from my YAML header which I do not intend. Instead I expect the normal output with title, author and the table of contents of course.
The following code produces the following output:
title: General Stuff
author: Me
toc: true # table of content true
toc_depth: 3 # upto three depths of headings (specified by #, ## and ###)
number_sections: true ## if you want number sections at each table header
theme: united
generates this output:
I got this output from GitHub where the file is displayed. Maybe the issue is that GitHub uses some interesting markdown version...?
Maybe the issue is that GitHub uses some interesting markdown version...?
YAML frontmatter isn't part of Markdown itself. A regular Markdown processor wouldn't do anything special with it. It would probably render a <hr>
and some text, maybe ending with a header.
But yes, GitHub treats YAML front matter specially:
Many blogging websites, like Jekyll with GitHub Pages, depend on some YAML-formatted metadata at the beginning of your post. You know, the stuff that goes between dashes like this:
--- title: Blogging Like a Boss ---
Starting [September 27, 2013], we’ll render this metadata within GitHub as an horizontal table, for easier reading