I want to extract arguments (type of command-line arguments) using regex. Here i will take the string as input and and get the arguments as groups
Basically i want the set in regex to both exclude and include some characters.
import re
ppatt=r"( --(?P<param>([^( --)]*)))"
a=[x.group("param") for x in re.finditer(ppatt,"command --m=psrmcc;ld - --kkk gtodf --klfj")]
I want the output to be
['m=psrmcc;ld - ', 'kkk gtodf', 'klfj']
but the output is
['m=psrmcc;ld', 'kkk', 'klfj']
You can use re.split
import re
print(re.split(r"--", "command --m=psrmcc;ld - --kkk gtodf --klfj")[1:])
print("command --m=psrmcc;ld - --kkk gtodf --klfj".split("--")[1:])
['m=psrmcc;ld - ', 'kkk gtodf ', 'klfj']