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How to overlay density histogram with gamma distribution fit in R?

I am new to R and would like to add a fit to a gamma distribution to my histogram. I would like the gamma distribution fit to overlay my histogram.

I am able to calculate the gamma distribution with the dgamma function and also with the fitdist function. However, I am not able to overlay this gamma distribution as a fit onto my histogram.

This is the code I tried:

hist(mydata, breaks = 30, freq = FALSE, col = "grey")

lines(dgamma(mydata, shape = 1))

The code I tried does not overlay the gamma distribution fit onto my histogram. I only get the histogram without the fit.


  • See if the following example can help in overlaying

    1. a fitted line in black
    2. a PDF graph in red, dotted

    on a histogram.

    First, create a dataset.

    set.seed(1234)    # Make the example reproducible
    mydata <- rgamma(100, shape = 1, rate = 1)

    Now fit a gamma distribution to the data.

    param <- MASS::fitdistr(mydata, "gamma")

    This vector is needed for the fitted line.

    x <- seq(min(mydata), max(mydata), length.out = 100)

    And plot them all.

    hist(mydata, breaks = 30, freq = FALSE, col = "grey", ylim = c(0, 1))
    curve(dgamma(x, shape = param$estimate[1], rate = param$estimate[2]), add = TRUE)
    lines(sort(mydata), dgamma(sort(mydata), shape = 1),
          col = "red", lty = "dotted")

    enter image description here