I am trying to use the Microsoft Academic Graph API with Python, to get information about the Author's Affiliations. However, the information provided in
is not clear to me.
I have also read Microsoft Academic Graph Search - retrieving all papers from a journal within a time-frame?
I am trying with something like this:
import requests
url = "https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/academic/v1.0/graph/search"
querystring = {"mode":"json%0A"}
payload = "{}"
response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, params=querystring)
What should I put in "payload" to retrieve the affiliation of, for example, the Author "John Doe" ?
It seems you are using the wrong endpoint.
As for anything experimental the documentation seems out of date.
I have had success calling https://api.labs.cognitive.microsoft.com/academic/v1.0/evaluate
These endpoints can be seen in the cognitive labs documentation.
I am yet to figure out how to retrieve academic profiles, as the query below yields no results, whereas academic.microsoft.com has loads.
https://api.labs.cognitive.microsoft.com/academic/v1.0/evaluate?expr=Composite(AA.AuN='Harry L. Anderson')&model=latest&count=10&attributes=Id,Ti,AA.AuN,E,AA.AuId
Hope this may help anyone stumbling upon this.
Update :
Here is a working query for the same author :
https://api.labs.cognitive.microsoft.com/academic/v1.0/evaluate?model=latest&count=100&expr=Composite(AA.AuN=='harry l anderson')&attributes=Id,Ti,AA.AuN,E,AA.AuId
Notice the author name has to be in lowercase.