Search code examples

Display month of sale and number of sales done in that month sorted in descending order of sales

Display month of sale and number of sales done in that month sorted in descending order of sales.

I have used the extract function to extract month from date but it gives month number not the full name of the month

select extract(month from sldate) as month, count(sid) as number_sale from sale 
 group by sldate  
order by sid desc

this is the table

Sale Table

1001    1   01-JAN-14
1002    5   02-JAN-14
1003    4   01-FEB-14
1004    1   01-MAR-14
1005    2   01-FEB-14
1006    1   01-JUN-15

Expected Result

February    2
January         2
March           1
June            1


  • This answers the original question tagged with MySql.
    Instead of extracting just the month, you need to combine it with the year, because you don't want to mix sales of the same month in different years, so use year_month and then use monthname() to get the month's name:

      monthname(concat(extract(year_month from sldate), '01')) as month, 
      count(sid) as number_sale 
    from sale 
    group by month
    order by number_sale desc

    See the demo.

    | month    | number_sale |
    | -------- | ----------- |
    | February | 2           |
    | January  | 2           |
    | March    | 1           |
    | June     | 1           |