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Spark repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions with tuples

I'm trying to follow this example to partition hbase rows:

However, I have data already stored in (String, String, String) where the first is the rowkey, second is column name, and third is column value.

I tried writing an implicit ordering to achieve the OrderedRDD implicit

 implicit val caseInsensitiveOrdering: Ordering[(String, String, String)] = new Ordering[(String, String, String)] {
    override def compare(x: (String, String, String), y: (String, String, String)): Int = ???

but repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions is still not available. Is there a way I can use this method with this tuple?


  • RDD must have key and value, not only values, for ex.:

    val data = List((("5", "6", "1"), (1)))
    val rdd : RDD[((String, String, String), Int)] = sparkContext.parallelize(data)
    implicit val caseInsensitiveOrdering = new Ordering[(String, String, String)] {
      override def compare(x: (String, String, String), y: (String, String, String)): Int = 1