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Nuke pulldown Choice knob returns integer instead of string when used getValue()

Im trying to getvalue() of custom pulldown choice Knob in nuke, when I print it returns integer instead of knob value which is a string

ks = nuke.toNode('nodename').knob('pulldownchoice').getValue()
print ks

I expect the output to be string, but the output im getting is 1.0


  • Although in some cases both methods getValue() and value() are interchangeable, you have to use value() method for strings and getValue() method for numbers.

    In your case there are three methods available for accessing Enumeration_Knob values and one method for setting new ones:

    • getValue() brings you a number (an index of enum's chosen pair)

    • value() brings you a string (a name of enum's chosen pair)

    • values() brings you a list of all the strings (all names)

    • setValue() sets a new value for a knob (you can use index or name here)

    You can use getValue() method for getting numeric properties like scale or rotate:


    To print all the knob's names and corresponding values of the selected node use this method:


    For pulldown menus 3 main methods are used – getValue(), value() and values() as well as setValue() method:


    g = nuke.toNode('Transform1')['filter'].getValue()
    # getValue() method brings properties' index (because it's enumerator)
    # If your filter="Notch" getValue() brings 7.0 – i.e. eight element
    # Result: 7.0


    v = nuke.toNode('Transform1')['filter'].value()
    # value() method brings a name of a chosen filter
    # Result: Notch


    vv = nuke.toNode('Merge1')['bbox'].values()
    # values() method brings a list of all strings stored in enum
    # Result: ['union', 'intersection', 'A', 'B']


    s1 = nuke.toNode('Merge2')['operation'].setValue(0)
    # setValue() method sets a new existing value in enum with index 0
    # Result: atop
    s2 = nuke.toNode('Merge3')['operation'].setValue("xor")
    # setValue() method sets a new existing value in enum with name "xor"
    # Result: xor