I am trying to convert currency values from factor to numeric. The format is €110.5M €565K I was able to get rid of € sign, M and K letters but I also need to make the conversion as to show 110.5M=110.500.000
and 565K=565.000
. Is there a way that you can suggest?
value<-as.numeric(gsub("[€MK]", "", as.character(strength[1:18207,1])))
Data to be converted
€110.5M €565K
€77M €405K
€118.5M €290K
An option is gsubfn
out <- unname(sapply(gsubfn("M|K", list(M = "* 1e6", K = "* 1e3"),
sub("€", "", str1)), function(x) eval(parse(text = x))))
#[1] 110500000 565000 77000000 405000 118500000 290000
scales::dollar_format(prefix = "", big.mark = ".")(out)
#[1] "110.500.000" "565.000" "77.000.000" "405.000"
#[4] "118.500.000" "290.000"
str1 <- c("€110.5M", "€565K", "€77M", "€405K", "€118.5M", "€290K")