how can I bind keyboard in piano using python GUI?
I tried using bind but I did not know how to use that.
btnCs = Button(ABC2, height = 6, width = 6, bd = 4, text = "C#", font =('arial', 18 , 'bold'), bg = "black", fg = "white", command = value_Cs)
I expect an example using the code given help me pls
Watch the console output running your function when you press the a
key in your keyboard. You need to focus the tkinter window with the mouse. event=None
is needed because the binded callback function gets passed an event object by the tkinter event loop (mainloop):
from tkinter import Tk
def play_a(event=None):
print('Play the A key sound')
root = Tk()
root.bind('a', play_a)