I'm maintaining an enterprise C# application that provides end-user extensibility through user-defined JavaScript functions (with a select few C# types/proxies exposed) (think financial algorithms).
We evaluate those functions using ClearScript (prevously we were using another library called Noesis however we've moved away from that).
I'd like to offer a way for end-users to perform very basic debugging of the scripts (through a web interface). At a minimum - inspect variables and step over/into functions.
I've successfully connected to the ClearScript engine w/ Chrome when running the app locally and have been able to step through the scripts - however I don't think the same would make sense for end users whilst running in production for various reasons:
What I'd really like is a SignalR interface to the V8 debugger - the web-app would interact with the SignalR, and SignalR would interact with the V8 debugger.
It's a web-socket based protocol - though you must make a request via HTTP to retrieve the tabId first (request to /json/list
https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/1-2/Debugger describes the protocol - there are different revisions targetting different versions of Chrome but 1.2 (stable) seems to work w/ the version of ClearScript I used.
As well as request-response (command) type interactions on the websocket, V8 will also publish events - e.g. Debugger.scriptParsed
& Debugger.paused
on the same socket.
Some of the key commands:
I've written a small demo project https://github.com/flakey-bit/ClearScriptDebugging/ that shows a target process being debugged by another process.