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c# compiler doesn't resolve generic type parameters by constraints

I have the following use case:

I have created generic-endpoint strucure in my ASP.NET Core WebAPi project.

And now I want to write an extention method to ServiceCollection to register my Endpoints to DI easily.

Now I will try to demonstrate what I want. Let's say we have:

interface IEndPoint<TInput, TOutput>
    TOutput Execute(TInput input);

class StrToIntEndPoint : IEndPoint<string, int>
    public int Execute(string input)
        return int.Parse(input);

class ServiceCollection { }

static class ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions
    public static void AddScoped<TService, TImplementation>(this ServiceCollection services) where TImplementation : TService


static class MyCustomExt
    // Here, I have to add TInput, TOutput type parameters to AddEndpoint method too.
    public static void AddEndpoint<T, TInput, TOutput>(this ServiceCollection services) where T: IEndPoint<TInput, TOutput>
        services.AddScoped<IEndPoint<TInput, TOutput>, T>();

class Program
    static void Main()
        var services = new ServiceCollection();

        // Compile Error: Incorrect number of type parameters

        // fine
        services.AddEndpoint<StrToIntEndPoint, string, int>();


My question is why compiler doesn't resolve string and int as type parameters for AddEndpoint via refering to StrToIntEndPoint?


  • Sadly it’s just not the way generic constraints/arguments work. You either specify NO generic type arguments and the compiler infers all arguments, or you specify all of them.