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Skype channel proactive message request get 500 (Internal Server Error) after some time

I am developing a bot for Skype channel, which can send proactive messages.

I followed the example project , and this works for my need.

I host my bot on a shared hosting service, not Azure.

I registered my bot in Azure Channel Registration, tested on skype. Bot responds to me, and when i send request to proactive endpoint, i get proactive message. Everything is fine.

Then i realized, after some time, proactive request get 500 (Internal Server Error). After that, i typed something to bot from skype, then send proactive request again, bot sended the proactive message.

I investigated this issue, and found two things. First, enable AlwaysOn within IIS, but i am on shared hosting, i can't do that. Second, send some requests to bot regularly to keep bot alive.

Than i noticed, i can do this with DirectLine channel. I set up my code to start conversation, send some message, and receive it before i send proactive notification. It was easy to start conversation from DirectLine, i sended a message, and i received response. Since this is a request to bot, i think this can solve my 500(Internal Server Error) response status with proactive. But it didn't.

I can only receive proactive messages in Skype, only if i type something to bot from skype in short period of time. Otherwise, Skype proactive message request gets 500 error.

I don't know how to get this done.


  • Note that I'm also working with this user in their duplicate GitHub issue.

    This sounds like it's possibly a TrustServiceUrl Issue (despite the 500 vs 401 error message).

    You can fix it by adding Skype to the list of trusted URLs:

    var serviceUrl = <GetThisFrom Activity.ServiceUrl>;

    Here's a link to the library, if that helps. Otherwise, browsing these issues should help.

    Note to others:

    This "Trust Service URL Issue" doesn't apply to just Skype. This happens for lots of other URLs when trying to use Proactive messaging. Just replace serviceUrl with whatever is appropriate for your use case. And yes, if you're using multiple channels, you can add multiple URLs when using MicrosoftAppCredentials.TrustServiceUrl() by calling it multiple times.

    Here's the method definition. Note: you can add expiration for this, as well.

    I've submitted a PR for this, which so far has resulted in some updated docs