I want to create an object-detection app based on a retrained ssd_mobilenet model I've retrained like the guy on youtube.
I chose the model ssd_mobilenet_v2_coco
from the Tensorflow Model Zoo. After the retraining process I've got the model with the following structure:
- saved_model
- variables (empty folder)
- saved_model.pb
- checkpoint
- frozen_inverence_graph.pb
- model.ckpt.data-00000-of-00001
- model.ckpt.index
- model.ckpt.meta
- pipeline.config
In the same folder, I have the python script with the following code:
import tensorflow as tf
converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_saved_model("saved_model", input_shapes={"image_tensor":[1,300,300,3]})
tflite_model = converter.convert()
open("converted_model.tflite", "wb").write(tflite_model)
After running this code, I got the following error:
2019-05-24 18:46:59.811289: I tensorflow/lite/toco/import_tensorflow.cc:1324] Converting unsupported operation: TensorArrayGatherV3
2019-05-24 18:46:59.811864: I tensorflow/lite/toco/import_tensorflow.cc:1373] Unable to determine output type for op: TensorArrayGatherV3
2019-05-24 18:46:59.908207: I tensorflow/lite/toco/graph_transformations/graph_transformations.cc:39] Before Removing unused ops: 1792 operators, 3033 arrays (0 quantized)
2019-05-24 18:47:00.089034: I tensorflow/lite/toco/graph_transformations/graph_transformations.cc:39] After Removing unused ops pass 1: 1771 operators, 2979 arrays (0 quantized)
2019-05-24 18:47:00.314681: I tensorflow/lite/toco/graph_transformations/graph_transformations.cc:39] Before general graph transformations: 1771 operators, 2979 arrays (0 quantized)
2019-05-24 18:47:00.453570: F tensorflow/lite/toco/graph_transformations/resolve_constant_slice.cc:59] Check failed: dim_size >= 1 (0 vs. 1)
Is there any solution for the "Check failed: dim_size >= 1 (0 vs. 1)"?
Conversion of MobileNet SSD is a little different due to some Custom ops that are needed in the graph.
Take a look at this Medium post for the end-to-end process of training and exporting the model as a TFLite graph. For conversion, you would need to use the export_tflite_ssd_graph script.