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How can I improve my python openCV video-stream?

I've been working on a project where I use a raspberry pi to send a live video feed to my server. This kinda works but not how I'd like it to. The problem mainly is the speed. Right now I can send a 640x480 video stream with a speed of around 3.5 FPS and a 1920x1080 with around 0.5 FPS, which is terrible. Since I am not a professional I thought there should be a way of improving my code.

The sender (Raspberry pi):

def send_stream():
    connection = True
    while connection:
        ret,frame =
        if ret:
            # You might want to enable this while testing.
            # cv2.imshow('camera', frame)
            b_frame = pickle.dumps(frame)
            b_size = len(b_frame)
                s.sendall(struct.pack("<L", b_size) + b_frame)
            except socket.error:
                print("Socket Error!")
                connection = False

            print("Received no frame from camera, exiting.")

The Receiver (Server):

    def recv_stream(self):
        payload_size = struct.calcsize("<L")
        data = b''
        while True:
                start_time =
                # keep receiving data until it gets the size of the msg.
                while len(data) < payload_size:
                    data += self.connection.recv(4096)
                # Get the frame size and remove it from the data.
                frame_size = struct.unpack("<L", data[:payload_size])[0]
                data = data[payload_size:]
                # Keep receiving data until the frame size is reached.
                while len(data) < frame_size:
                    data += self.connection.recv(32768)
                # Cut the frame to the beginning of the next frame.
                frame_data = data[:frame_size]
                data = data[frame_size:]

                frame = pickle.loads(frame_data)
                frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

                end_time =
                fps = 1/(end_time-start_time).total_seconds()
                print("Fps: ",round(fps,2))


                self.current_frame = frame

            except (socket.error,socket.timeout) as e:
                # The timeout got reached or the client disconnected. Clean up the mess.
                print("Cleaning up: ",e)
                except socket.error:
                self.is_connected = False


  • After searching the internet for ages, I found a quick solution which doubled the fps (This is still way too low: 1.1 fps @1080p). What I did was I stopped using pickle and used base64 instead. apparently pickling the image just takes a while. Anyway this is my new code:

    The sender (Raspberry pi):

    def send_stream():
    global connected
    connection = True
    while connection:
        if last_frame is not None:
            # You might want to uncomment these lines while testing.
            # cv2.imshow('camera', frame)
            # cv2.waitKey(1)
            frame = last_frame
            # The old pickling method.
            #b_frame = pickle.dumps(frame)
            encoded, buffer = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame)
            b_frame = base64.b64encode(buffer)
            b_size = len(b_frame)
            print("Frame size = ",b_size)
                s.sendall(struct.pack("<L", b_size) + b_frame)
            except socket.error:
                print("Socket Error!")
                connection = False
                connected = False
                return "Socket Error"
            return "Received no frame from camera"

    The Receiver (Server):

        def recv_stream(self):
        payload_size = struct.calcsize("<L")
        data = b''
        while True:
                start_time =
                # keep receiving data until it gets the size of the msg.
                while len(data) < payload_size:
                    data += self.connection.recv(4096)
                # Get the frame size and remove it from the data.
                frame_size = struct.unpack("<L", data[:payload_size])[0]
                data = data[payload_size:]
                # Keep receiving data until the frame size is reached.
                while len(data) < frame_size:
                    data += self.connection.recv(131072)
                # Cut the frame to the beginning of the next frame.
                frame_data = data[:frame_size]
                data = data[frame_size:]
                # using the old pickling method.
                # frame = pickle.loads(frame_data)
                # Converting the image to be sent.
                img = base64.b64decode(frame_data)
                npimg = np.fromstring(img, dtype=np.uint8)
                frame = cv2.imdecode(npimg, 1)
                frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
                end_time =
                fps = 1/(end_time-start_time).total_seconds()
                print("Fps: ",round(fps,2))
                self.current_frame = frame
            except (socket.error,socket.timeout) as e:
                # The timeout got reached or the client disconnected. Clean up the mess.
                print("Cleaning up: ",e)
                except socket.error:
                self.is_connected = False

    I also increased the packet size which increased the fps when sending from my local machine to my local machine while testing, but this didn't change anything whatsoever when using the raspberry pi.

    You can see the full code on my github: