I have a problem in scoring game The game is Russian roulette I want to replicate the game 10 times and give a point to the survivors
game <- replicate(10, shot())
and I got this game result
game Freq
1 player1 game end 4
2 player3 game end 2
3 player4 game end 1
4 player6 game end 3
I want to know how I can convert game results into scores like this by giving one point to the survivors
1 player1 point 6
2 player2 point 10
3 player3 point 8
4 player4 point 9
5 player5 point 10
6 player6 point 7
but I don't get any clue about it I desperately need some help
I add my code
shot <- function()
if(sample(c(1,-1),1,prob=c(1/6,5/6)) == T)
print("player1 game end") #if p1 get true at 1st round it end
else if(shot <- sample(c(1,-1),1,prob=c(1/5,4/5)) == T)
print("player2 game end") #if p2 get true at 2nd round it end
else if(shot <- sample(c(1,-1),1,prob=c(1/4,3/4)) == T)
print("player3 game end") #if p3 get true at 3rd round it end
else if(shot <- sample(c(1,-1),1,prob=c(1/3,2/3)) == T)
print("player4 game end") #if p4 get true at 4th round it end
else if(shot <- sample(c(1,-1),1,prob=c(1/2,1/2)) == T)
print("player5 game end") #if p5 get true at 5th round it end
}else if(shot <- sample(c(1,-1),1,prob=c(1,0)) == T)
print("player6 game end") #if p6 get true at 5th round it end
My game start with this code How can I combine with scoring code
player <- sample(1:6, size = 6, replace = FALSE)
names(player)[player==1] <- "p1"
names(player)[player==2] <- "p2"
names(player)[player==3] <- "p3"
names(player)[player==4] <- "p4"
names(player)[player==5] <- "p5"
Here's what we can do. First, we create a players
, which we'll use to join up to the games result data.frame
. Then we calculate score
, which appears to be 10 - Freq
# generate games
set.seed(1) # reproducible
games <- replicate(10, shot())
# make players data
players <- data.frame(player = paste0("player", 1:6))
# make games data
games_table <- data.frame(table(games))
games_table$player <- gsub(" game end", "", games_table$games) # player ID
# merge data
players <- merge(players, games_table, all.x = TRUE)
# create score
players$score <- 10 - ifelse(is.na(players$Freq), 0, players$Freq)
# player games Freq score
# 1 player1 player1 game end 2 8
# 2 player2 player2 game end 2 8
# 3 player3 player3 game end 1 9
# 4 player4 player4 game end 2 8
# 5 player5 <NA> NA 10
# 6 player6 player6 game end 3 7